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Mary Throop, CFA Partner

Prior to founding Summerhill Capital, Mary was a senior partner at Laketon Investment Management and a member of the Global Equities Team. Mary attained her strong background in global financial analysis and portfolio management while at CIBC World Markets as Managing Director of the International Equities Group.


Mary is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), has an Honours B.A. from the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) and has the ICD.D designation from the ICD-Rotman Directors Education Program. She is also bilingual (Spanish). Mary is currently an Independent Director on the Board of BNY Trust Company of Canada, as well as a director on the Board of the Canadian Coalition for Good Governance (CCGG). Previous commitments include being a member of the CCGG Public Policy Committee and board member and Chair of the HR and Governance Committee of the Condominium Authority of Ontario (CAO), Member of the Atkinson Foundation Investment Committee, Board Member and Committee Chair of Memberships, International Programme and Governance of the Toronto CFA Society,  Board Member of Oolagen (Youth Mental Health Organization now part of Lumenus Community Services), Member of an Advisory Committee at the March of Dimes, as well as serving as a member of the Ontario Securities Commission Registrant Advisory Committee.


In addition to portfolio management, Mary is the designated Chief Compliance Officer in charge of, among other things, protecting the confidentiality of client information and governance, ensuring the firm always adheres to the highest standards of ethics and integrity.

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